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57. Eodem anno eisdem camerario et vicecomitibus existentibus, accidit in octabis Epiphaniel quod Robertus de Kingestone serviens Andree Bukerel, percussit Adam filium Alicie cum quadam hacchia in capite, ita quod obiit in crastino. Et predicta Alicia superveniens ubi predictus Robertus percussit predictum Adam, et cepit ipsum et cum2 vicinis suis adduxit eum ad domum Johannis tunc bedelli de warda ha, ut ipsum custodiret usque in crastinum et tradidit eum predicto bedello, qui eum recepit, et postea permisit ipsum abire. Et quia istud factum fuit de die, et clamor et hutesium levatum fuit, ita quod viCinis et omnibus de warda Jocei filii Petri3 tunc aldermanni satis cènstabat de facto isto et predictum malefactorem postquam captus fuit non retinuerit, ideo ad iudicium de eis.4 Et predictus bedellus qui venit committitur vicecomitibus. Et predictus Robertus fuit in franco plegio in parochia Sancti Pancracii in comitatu Middlesexie. Ideo dictum est vicecomiti Middelsexie5 quod inquirat de franco plegio suo et de catallis suis et faciat ipsum exigi et ut lagari in comitatu. Et quia testatum est per maiorem et cives quod predictus Robertus captus fuit et ductus ad domum Johannis bedelli Johanne absente, ideo Johannes inde quietus. Nulla habuit catalla. Camerarius et vicecomites nichil inde sciverunt neque aldermannus,' nec fuit in franco plegio nec in warda quia extraneus. Ideo nichil. De Andrea Bukerel de cuius manupastu fuit nichil quia obiit.
1. Margin: Hic ostendit quod absencia excusat homines a periculo. Handwriting and phraseology agree with the 14th-century marginal glosses in the eyre roll of
1276, B.M. Add. Ch. 5153 passim.
2. et cum inserted in the same hand as the preceding marginal gloss.
3. Farringdon Ward, Beaven, i, 367.
4. Margin: ad iudicium.
5. Margin: Middelsexialex' et utl'.
In the same year, the same being chamberlain and sheriffs, on the octave of Epiphany [13 Jan. 1231], Robert of Kingston, servant of Andrew Bukerel, struck Adam, son of Alice, on the head with an axe, so that he died next day. Alice, coming to the place where Robert struck Adam, seized him, and with her neighbours brought him to the house of John, then beadle of the ward, so that he might keep him in custody until next day. She handed him over to the beadle, who received him, but afterwards let him go. And because this was done by day, and the hue and cry was raised, so that the neighbours and all those belonging to the ward of Joce fitz Peter, then alderman, were well informed concerning the deed, and the malefactor was not detained after his capture, to judgment with them. The beadle, who comes, is committed to the custody of the sheriffs. Robert was in frankplege in the parish of St. Pancras in the county of Middlesex. Therefore the sheriff of Middlesex is ordered to enquire concerning his frankpledge and his chattels, and to cause him to be put in exigent and outlawed in the county court. And because the mayor and citizens testify that John the beadle was absent when Robert was captured and brought to his house, he is quit. He (Robert) had no chattels. Neither the chamberlain nor the sheriffs nor the alderman knew anything of the matter, and he was not in frankpledge nor in the ward, because he is a stranger. Nothing from Andrew Bukerel, in whose household he was, because he has died. |