Description (Repository) |
Monday next after the Feast of S. Luke, Evangelist [18 Oct."].
Taillour (PHILIP LE). Bequest of rents in the parish of
S. Michael de Pateraostercherch, in Soperlane, and elsewhere
for the maintenance of chantries and wax in the said church
of S. Micha^, and for providing shoes for the poor of London in
commemoration of his obit. To Sabine his wife houses and rents
in the above parish, as well as in the parishes of S. John de
Walebrock, S. Mary de Bothawe, S. Nicholas Hakim, S. Mary de
Aldermaricherche, S. Mildred near "Conhop," and elsewhere, for
life, with remainders over to Henry and John his sons. To Margery, Johanna, and Elena his daughters, nuns at Clerkenewe[ll], divers rents in the parish of Aldermaricherche and near Holeburn Bridge. No date.
Proclamation made, and the testament challenged [by some person
not named], who claimed houses and shops at Billingesgate which
the testator had devised to Sabine his wife for life, with remainder
to John his son.
Roll 21 (66). |