Description (Repository) |
Grant and quitclaim by walter son of matilda, daughter of Rohesia (rohais) to London bridge, of all his land in the parish of St Olave, Suwerc., bounded on the E by the land of the bridge aforesaid , and on the W by the land which belonged to Thomas de St Christopher, and extending from the royal highway to the houses of the bridge. In consideration of which grant Henry de St Albans and Robert de Wintonia, proctors of the bridge have gaiven 2 ½ m.
Witnesses:– Serlo mercer, mayor of London. Thomas de Haverhille, Richard Rainger. Joce (iuvenis), then sheriffs. William the cook of Suwerc. Benet fitz Luke (filius Luc’) Arnold the vintner. Henry fitz Fucher (filius Fuch’). Simon Chaplain of the bridge. Godfrid chaplain of the bridge etc.. |