Description (Repository) |
M. Will of Philip le Tailor. Copy of that portion of the will wherein he leaves
55s. 4d. quit-rent for the clothing of his three daughters who are nuns at Clerkenwell. After they are all dead the nunnery is to have it. Two marks come from property in the parish of St. Mary Aldermary and one mark from property in the neighbourhood of Holborn bridge.
Date, : Monday, 2o November 1292. MS. : Cartulary, fo. 109.
Independent copy of will : Husting Roll 21 (66). Calendared : Sharpe, Cal. of Wills, i. 107.
Cited : E. Power, Medieval English Nunneries, pp. 12, 15.
Item predictus Philippus le Taillur lego Margerie Iohanne et Elene filiabus meis monialibus de Clerken' iiij marca.s et ii s. annui et quieti redditus percipiendos annuatim in auxilium annue vesture sue percipiendos annuatim de tenementis subscriptis a videlicet ii marcas de toto illo tenemento quod fuit Roberti de Dunelm' in quo Robertus de la Corner' [cissor] b tenet in parochia de Aldemarychurche et vnam marcam annui et quieti redditus percipiendam de tenemento Gilberti de Smethefeld citra pontem de Holeburn' vna cum omnibus arreragiis que a retro sunt de eodem tenemento videlicet cuilibet predictarum filiarum mearum ad proportionem suam xviij sol' v den' vno den' vlterius quia seniori flu e mee earumdem filiarum volo [vt] b appropriatur. Et si aliqua ipsarum obierit C volo tuna quod predicte iiij marce et ii s. cedant in vsus ipsarum vel vnius earumdem que diutius superuixerit vel superuixerint,
saluis tamen inter binas ipsarum equalibus porcionibus eiusdem redditus faciendis.
Et si predicte flu e mee moniales in fata decesserint volo et concedo quod iiij or marc' et ij s. annui et quieti redditus totaliter predicte domui de Clerken.' et successoribus suis pro anima mea et pro anima Sabine etc. in puram et perpetuam elemosinam remaneant.
Istu.d testamentum probatum fuit et irrot-ulatum in pleno Husteng' Lond? die lune proxima post festum Sancti Luce Ewangeliste anno regni regis Edw ar di'
filii regis sHenrici xxo.
Scrutatum fuit in camera Geldhall' per [no name follows].
[There then follow some words illegible even under ultra-violet rays.]
a Two b's Cart.
Supplied from the entry on the Husting Roll 21 (66). obierint Cart.
NOTE : see also document Q. The will of Philip le Tailor occupies 25 inches on this
roll. The corresponding passage is identical with M. There was an additional legacy of 12.5. rent in the parish of St. Ethelburga Bishopsgate. |