Description (Repository) |
walter de muscham
138 Quitclaim by brother William le Rous, m. of SBH, to Walter de Muscham (s) of the right of SBH to all arrears of rent, Walter having paid 6s. to SBH. Wit. Hamon de Chiggewell, mayor of L., Henry Darcy, John Hauteyn, sheriffs of L., Simon de Pabenham, John de Cauntebrigge, Richard atte Gate, John Hereward, Richard le Ussher, William le Cordewaner. 27 July 1328. Dorso: between the tenement of John de Cauntebregge in the E., that of Simon de Pabenham in the W., ext. from Coubretestrete in the N. to the tenement of William de Arundel in the S.
Margin: Chiken Lane near Holburne Cros demised to Robert Brampton and Richard Storm. Now demised to Joan Pessell. 110/1355 |