Description (Repository) |
amfrid, canon of Arundel
584 Sale by Amfrid, canon of Arundel (s), with the consent of Richard his son, for 6 marks to m. Alan, proc. of SBH, of land before the gate of the brewhouse of St Paul's in the E. Wit. Ralph, dean of St Paul's, Robert de Clifford, Hugh de Raculf', m. Henry de Norhamtonia, Henry Thesaurarius, Hugh a Lundonia, Richard Rufus, Richard, junior, brethren, ni. Osbert de Camera, John de St Laurencio, canons, Henry de Lundonestane, Richard son of Rayner, Geoffrey, ald., Ralph Presbyter, Aluric Hog, Joke!, Robert Buchin, Suetman, Eddred, Gilbert Tinctor, Albold, Richard Gaudius, Adam de Pistrino, Edwin de Pistrino, John de Castello. [1182-98]. 250/1279. Moore I, 218-19 |