Description (Repository) |
Liberate to J mes le Gunteneys l 5l. 13s. 4cl., to Roger de Rucham 46s. Bd., to John de Norhampton, citizen of London, 3Bl. 3s., to Alan de Bratton 191. 10s. Bd., to Anketill de Auvern 5l s., to Ralph Smith (Fabro) 4Bs. 3d., to Nicholas Adrian Bs. Bi d., t~ Henry le Paumer 9s. 4d., and to Richard de Rotomago and h1.s partner l03s. 6d ., for furs, cushions, silken cloths wrought with gold and of Larest (de aresta), hangings (tapetis ), canvas, cords, and hair-clot hs (heyris) , all taken from them in the above fairs and the city of London by the hands of Richard de Ewell and J ohn. de Stratford against the king's arrival in England and delivered rn the wardrobe to Roger Tailor and Bonacius Lumbard. takers of t he king's cloths. |