gift of a rent in milkstreet by andrew son of peter newelon for a pittance on the anniversary of his brother ralph who was buried at the nunnery.
252. Gift of a rent in Milkstreet by Andrew son of Peter Newelon for a pittance
on the anniversary of his brother Ralph who was buried at the nunnery.
Date : 1211/12 (Henry the Mayor died in 1212. The only Joice and John sheriffs
before this date were Joice son of Peter and John Garland who took office in 1211 ; Kingsford, Stow, ii. 552. Roger son of Alan succeeded Henry as mayor. Perhaps his name occurs between that of the mayor and those of the sheriffs for somè reason connected with that fact).
MS. : Cartulary, fo. 70v.
Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Andreas filins Petri filii Neuelun dedi et concessi et presenti carta mea confirmaui deo et ecdesie beate Marie de Clerekenw'll' et monialibus ibidem deo seruientibus pro salute anime Rad-ulfi_ fratris raei qui penes eas tumulatur et pro salute animarum antecessorum et successorum meorum et omnium fidelium defunctorum duas solidatas redditus annuatim quas habere solebarn de masuagio quod fuit Auenelli draperii in Melcstrate recipiendas eisdem monialibus de predicto masuagio ad iios terminos anni ad pascham xii d. et ad festum Sancti Michaelis xii d. ad pitanciam earum in die aniuersarii predicti Radu/fi fratris mei : habendum et tenendum eisdern monialibus libere et quiete -integre finabiliter in puram et perpetuam elemosinam saluo soccagio domini regis scilicet iii obol' in vigilia pasche
reddendo pro omnibus rebus et exactionibus.
Et ego Andreas et heredes mei debemus warantizare predictas Has solidatas redditus predictis monialibus contra omnes homines et feminas.
Vt a.utem mea donatio et concessio firmitate consistat presentem cartam sigilli mei munimine roboraui.
Hiis testibus. Henrico a tunc maiore Lond'. Rogero filio Alani. Ioceo, Iohanne tunc a vicecomitibus. Thoma de Hauerhell'. Alano filio Petri. Henrico de Sancto Albano. Willelmo, Roberto, Martino filiis Alicie.
a From Henrico to Iohanne tune has been underlined by Stow.