Description (Repository) |
Be it remembered that on Tuesday before the Feast of
St. George [23 April], 13 Edward II. [A.D. 1320], it was agreed
and ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty that
every one who contributed towards the loan of 1,000 made to
the King- in the tenth year of his reign by the names underwritten
should forego one half of the sum advanced by him
in order to lessen the burden of the City and for the acquittance
of its debts, and the creditors of the aforesaid sum of 1,000,
being present, gave their assent. It was likewise ordained by
the aforesaid Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty that those
who had been paid their share in full towards the said sum, and
those who had subscribed nothing- towards it, should contribute
if possible a reasonable amount for discharging- the aforesaid
debts, &c. And that from each Ward one honest and trusty
man should be elected by the men of the Ward " ad supervidendum
ad quod proficuum denarii deveniunt," &c.
Henry le Gaugeour, William de Staneforde, Geoffrey Pourte,
Richard Horn, Roger de Ely, Nicholas le Keu, John de
Braghyngge, Ralph de Billyng', Richard de Thorp,
pelleter," William Tovy, Walter de Hallyngberi, William de
Braye, woolmonger, John Pag-e, William de Leytone, John
Brond, William de Wynchelse, William le Carpenter, spicer,
William de Poumfreit, William de Wynton', Robert de Knapwelle,
Gervase de Hundesdiche, Robert de Borham, John de
Wymundham, Robert de Dodeford, Peter de Newcastle,
Nicholas Ponge, John Pake, John de Coumbe, Nicholas de
Gernemuthe, Henry ate Frethe, John de Wymundeswold,-John
de Triple, William Lambyn, Alan Annore, Richard Swote,
John de Wrotham, John Froshe, Simon le Cotiller, John Freshfishe,
John le Brewere, Robert de Bray, Wymund Broth[er],
Roger de Waltham, Geoffrey le Brewere, Walter de Papworth,
Thomas le Cordwaner, John de Strode, Peter de Staundone,
Reginald de Aillesberi, Henry de Hacchesham, Robert de
Lamburne, John le Yonge, Alan de Roub[er]i, John de Wynton',
William de Mortone, William de Brekendone, John Saleman,
Peter de Hatfeld, Adam Hunteman, Robert de Derbi, Henry
de Shorne, Stephen de Wynton', Gerard de Flete, Simon Fitz
Robert, Robert de Lyncoln, Maurice Turgis, Robert Austyn,
John de Colewelle, Thomas de Wynton', William de Fulham,
Nicholas cle Newcastle, William le Fourbour, William Wolf,
Alan Aspal, Richard de Yetyng-ge, William de Hockele, Walter
de Stebenhethe, Thomas Prentiz, Cambin Folberd,1 John Cros,
John le Mareschal, Bartholomew le Spicer, Richard de Hakene,
Thomas le Hornhere, William de Codyntone, Roger de Notyngham,
William le Cotiller, Richard Asselyn, Thomas de Ispannia,
Robert de Asshe, Benedict de Shorne, Richard le Barber,
Simon de Hakeneye, Robert Swote, Robert Pamy, Walter de
Bedefonte, John de Gustede, John Nonnes, John Sterre, William
de Pariz, shearman (tonsor), Walter de Waltham, Robert le
Treiere, Robert Hger, William Launce, Stephen Horn, Walter
de Chesewik, John de Codyngtone, Henry Darcy, Thomas Coke,
John Simian, Henry de Stowe, John de Nonnes, John de
Seistede," John de Pulteneye, Richard de Hereford, William
Filers, William de Parys, William de Combe, William Dirry,
Walter de Mordone, John
" Vimian "
(Vivian ?), Thomas de
Spaigne, Edmund Cosyn, Henry de Bury, Elyas de Thorp,
Reginald de Conduit, Walter le Moleward, Thomas de Combe,
John Prior, junior, William de Derham, Adam Hunteman,
Robert Swote.
Thomas de Campes, Thomas de Crokesle, John atte Crouche,
John de Dallinge, junior, Geoffrey de Caumpes, Bartholomew
de Hindringham, Ralph de Braghinge, Henry le Hore, William
atte Roche, Thomas le Ropere, Walter le Furmager, Thomas
le Barbir,
lepere," John de Burgoigne, Bartholomew de Honilane,
John Potyn, Robert de Worstede, Roger de Bernes, John de
Stebenhethe, William de Aroundel, Adam de Sarum, Robert
de Weleford, Adam de Conduit, Alan de Chigwelle, Richard
de Berdefeld, Robert Podifat, Adam de St. Alban, Robert le
Callere, Richard de Hodesdone, Richard Jordon, Andrew de
Broune, Robert de Whigh, taverner, Ralph de Berqueye,
Richard de Beton', Thomas de Enefeld, John de Pikeman,
Richard atte Roche, Richard atte Holmes, Richard atte Vigne,
Peter Piebakere, Adam Snowe, Richard de Bolyntone, Robert
de Lenne, William de St. Alban, John de Chelesee, Guilot le
Hauberger, Richard de Farneberg, William le Taverner,
chaucer, John de Lindeseye, Salomon le Coffrer, John de
Lenesham, Robert de Limintone, Reginald de Conduyt, Roger
Hosebonde, Oliver Bremynge, Gilbert de " Lesues
(Lesnes ?),
William Joye, Robert de Waye, John de Wynton', senior,
William Denis, Roger Lespicer, Richard Dokeswoit, Walter
Kynge, Walter Gorst, Roger de Lenne, Osebert atte Arcubus,
Roger de Arcubus, Roger de Southcote, Roger de Edelintone,
Richard Gubbe, Richard de Shordiche, Ralph de Blithe, John
de Colcestre, William Prodhomme, Gilbert de Istelworth, Roger
Sauvage, William atte Lamme, John de Stoppesle, Hugh le
Fourbour, Roger de Chipested, Roger de Lyntone, Walter
atte Belhous, Adam atte Bowe, Robert le Bret, William Sprot,
William Edmund, John de Parys, Robert le Hutherne, John de
Bereford, Walter le Foundour, Simon Foundour, Ralph Picot,
Laurence Longe, Richard Ussher, Thomas atte Brome, John
Baron, Richard Trugge, Geoffrey le Cotiler, Thomas de Berkynge,
William de Bidik, John Spraye, Nigel de Whatele,
Piggeflesshe, Hugh de Assheburne, John Hosebonde,
John Giles, John Hereward, Thomas de Hales, Robert Fo. cviL
de Ely, Umfrey Staci, John de Ailesham, Elyas le Callere,
James le Palmere, Alan "
Lauen," Walter de Bardeneye,
Robert Newcomyn, Hugh de Hereford, John de Castelacre,
Geoffrey atte Gate, John le Disshere, Roger Chauntecler,
Geoffrey de Notyngham. |