Description (Repository) |
Saturday before the Feast of Nativity B. M. [8 Sept.],9 Edward I.
[a.d. 1281], in the presens of G[regory] de Rokesle, Mayor,
W[illiam] de Farendone, N[icholas] de Wynchester, Sheriffs,
Hi-nrv Walt-vs, William de Durham, John Horn, Philip the
Tailor, John Addr[ian], John de Northampton, Robert de
Meldehirn, Wlmar de Essex, and Simon de Haddestoke, Aldermen.
Henry de Wynchester, Michael de " Womburne," Oliver the
Goldsmith {le Orfa<ere), Walter de Molesham, Richard Bonaventure,
Robert Pynnote, William de Clay, Nigel Lupus,' John
Fuatard, " barbur," Thomasin le Barber, Alan de Schoresdich,
John Aufre, Edward de Canterbury, goldsmith, Thomas le Fykes,
Alan de Suffolk, taverner, Reginald, son of Emma le Barbere,
Roger the Cook, " pasteler,'" Reginald le Taverner, James le
Reve, " pessoner,"* Walter de Resslepe, John Squiret, Peter le
Tableter,*" John, son of Roger le Barber, William Stonhard,
Ranulph le Taverner de Wolcherchawe, Laurence " Ballok,'
John le Fevere, Adam de Wynchester, John le Treiere, John
Burnel, and Alan de Ewelle —arrested for divers trespasses,
homicides, robberies, and assaults, and for being" nightwalkers
after curfew in the City with swords and bucklers,
and for setting up games near the City, contrary to the King's
peace and the ordinance and statutes of the City of London
say that they are guilty of none of these things, and as to this,
each puts himself upon the verdict of four jurors of each Ward
of the City aforesaid. Accordingly let there be an inquest
The jurors say upon oath that John Fuatard, barber, Alan
de Suffolk, taverner, Reginald, son of Emma le Barber, Reginald
le Taverner who stands {slal) with John de Hakeburne,
Walter de Risslepe, Peter le Tableter, John, son of Roger le
Barber, William Stonhard, and Ranulph le Taverner are not
guilty of the trespasses aforesaid. They are therefore quit.
They also say that John le Treiere and James le Reve are
quarrelsome {luctatores), but are not otherwise guilty. They
are therefore released on bail.
They also say that Henry de Wynchester, Michael de "Womburne,"
Oliver the Goldsmith (Aurifaber), Walter de Molesham,
Richard Bonaventure, William de Clay, Nigel Lupus, Alan de
Schoresdich, John Aufre, Edward de Canterbury, goldsmith,
Thomas [le] Fykeis, Roger the Cook, " pasteler," [and] John le
Fevere are night-walkers with swords and bucklers, contrary
to the peace, &c., and statutes, &c. Let them therefore be
kept in safe custody until, &c.
They also say that Laurence " Bullok," John Burnel, Alan
de Ewelle, John Squyret, and Thomasin le Barber play dice in
divers taverns after curfew, contrary to the statutes of the City.
Let them therefore be kept in safe custody until, &c.
They also say that Adam de Wynchester, taverner, and
Robert Pynnote are bullies {hellalores) by day and night, and
are in the habit of taking reward from men for making
assaults contrary to the King's peace. Let them therefore
Afterwards, by assent of the said Mayor, Sheriffs, and
Aldermen, it was granted and ordained that each of the aforesaid
men, with the exception of Robert de [su] Pynnote and
Adam de Wynchester, should be released each by twelve mainpernors
worth individually at least lOOs., so that they have their
mainpernors ready to mainprise them when required, on penalty
of each mainpernor losing loos. |