117. [m. 6d] Emma wife of Henry le Chaloner beat and maltreated Alice wife of Richard Attelithe and struck her (dedit ei orbos ictus)' so that she died on the fourth day after. Emma fled to the church of Fanchirche and escaped from there, so let her be exacted and outlawed [sic] according to the custom [of the City]. Chattels *12d. for which the sheriffs are to answer. Because Emma was harboured after the deed in the ward of Nicholas de Wynton' [Langbourn ward] and the sheriffs did not attach her, to judgment on the sheriffs and the whole ward. The neighbours have died. [cf. 614]
Nota 49. De vicecornitibus et tota warda amerciata quia non attachiaverunt felonissam.
14th cent.: Scribatur [cf. 524 no. 49].
1. With blows which caused neither swelling nor bleeding.