Description (Repository) |
91. Adam le Hert, while building a house with many other workmen, was crushed to death by a beam in the courtyard of Simon Passelewe. Value of the beam *18d. for which the sheriffs are to answer. All the neighbours have died. John de Chingeforde, Robert de Warr', Stephen de Smethefeud, William de Romoney and William de Upton were attached for the death because they were present when Adam was crushed, but they do not come and are not suspected. John was attached by Wibert de Opton and Walter de Plumstede, Robert by Thomas de Donstable mason and John de Middleton, Stephen by Thomas le Soper and John le Cordewaner, William by Master Andrew the Mason and John Frere, William de Opton by Adam de Lamburne and Simon Passelewe. So they are in *mercy. Because the men of the ward of Peter de Edelmeton [Castle Baynard ward] only valued the deodand at 12d., to judgment on the whole ward. (Infortunium.) [cf. 602] |