Description (Repository) |
Monday after the Invention of H. Cross [3 May], 16 Edward I.
[A.D. 1288], a certain writing wras read before Sir Ralph de
Hingeham, the King's Justiciar, and Ralph de Sandwych,
Warden of the City, and the Aldermen, whereby Geoffrey, son
and heir of Stephen de Mundene, confirmed a lease granted by
his father to Thomas Romeyn of a tenement in the parish of
St. Antonin, situate near the tenements of John le Vavaseur and
Robert de Arras, for a term of nineteen years from Christmas,
anno 15 Edward I., for the sum of 75 marks in hand paid, and
extending the term by one year for the remission of a debt of
10 marks due from his father to the said Thomas. Witnesses,
Sirs John de Lovetot, William de Carleton, Roger de Leycestre,
Gregory de Rokesle, John de Bakewelle, William le Mazeliner,
Robert de Basinge, Joyce le Akatur, William de Farindone,
William de Somersete, clerk, and others [not named]. Dated
London, the Feast of SS. Philip and James [i May], 16 Edward
I. [A.D. 1288]. |