Description (Repository) |
Saturday the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul [29 June], 25 Ed- Fo. 107 b
ward I. [a.d. 1297], it was ordained—in the presence of Sir John Vfocle^nversa.^^
Bretun, then Warden of the City ; Thomas de Suffolk and Adam
de Foleham, then Sheriffs ; Sirs Stephen Eswy, Richard Eswy,
William le Mazeliner, Walter de Finchingfeud, Thomas Romein,
Richard de Gloucester, John de Canterbury, Adam de Rokele,
Salomon le Cotiler, William de Bettoyne, John de Dunstaple,
Henry le Bole, and John Wade, Aldermen ; and by the underwritten,
viz. :
Of Tower Ward ; John de Storteford, Elias de Bristoll,
Geoffrey Hurel
Of Bridge Ward : John le Benere, William de Lewes, John
de Stebenhethe, Simon le Cotiler, Eustace le Cotiler, Anselm le
Of the Ward of Candlewystrate : Matthew le Chaundeler,
Wihiam Jurdan, Ivo de Wytele, Robert le Surgien ;
Of the Ward of [Queen]hithe : William Bernard, Roger
Bronig, Stephen Bernard ;
Of Ludgate Within : William le Chaundeler, Andrew Mele,
Henry de Belhus, John Vigerous, John Dachet, Thomas le
The same Ward, without : Nicholas le Leung, Benedict le
Speroner, Henry le Speroner, John le Chapeler, Richard
Levesone, William Ediman, Roger de Fleg
Of the Ward of Billingesgate : Stephen Pikeman, Robert le
Treyere, William Pikeman, John Scharp, William Fatting' ;
Of the Ward of Walebrock : Fulk de St. Edmund, William
de Reed, Henry de Bondene (Boudene ?), Thomas de Waledene,
William de Nettlestede
Of the Ward of Langeburne : William Amis, Gilbert le
Mareschal, Walter de Kent, Clement le Pestur ;
Of the Ward of Vintry : Robert Hardel, Reginald le Barber,
Robert Hod
Of the Ward of Bredstrate : Richard le Barber, Adam de la
Rose, William de Beverle, Nicholas de Cauntebrege
Of the Ward of " Wabrock ": Fulk de St. Edmund, Thomas
de Waledene, William de Reed, William de Nettlested ;^
Of Bassieshawe : Philip de Norhampton, Henry Hauteyn
Of Douuegate (Dounegate ?) : William de Paris, Paul le
Botiler, Alan de Neuberi, John de Seld, John de Armenters ;
Of the Ward of Porsoken ^ [sic] : Edmund Trentemars,
John le Potter, Peter Berneval
Of the Ward of Lotheberi : Godwyn le Feleper, Robert de
Galebrock, Stephen de Uptone ;
Of the Ward of Bissopesgate : Geoffrey de Hundesdich,
William Pointel, Thomas Bronng [sic] ;
Of the Ward of Crepelgate : Adam de Hallingeberi, Stephen
Hautein, Gregory le Botoner, Guy the Clerk, Vincent de Storteford,
William atte Grane ;
Of the Ward of Cheap : John le Chaucer, John le Coffrer,
Simon de Paris, Walter de Herlefte, R[e]g'inald de Frowick ;
Of the Ward of Cordewanerstrate : John de Geldeford, Fo. 107
William de Garthone, William de Storteford, Robert le
Of the Ward of Castle: Richard Poterel, Geoffrey Skot,
Baudechoun le Bucher :
that all and singular citizens and others residing in the Cit)' who
this year paid to the lord the King the eighth penny of their
goods and chattels, and others who have recently come to live and
stay in the City, shall give to the collectors of the several Wards
sixpence in the pound to discharge the debts of the City, viz. :
For Martin de Aumbresberi, late Sheriff of London —
100 marks.
Item, for expenses of John de Banquell going to the lord the
King in parts of Scotland to conduct the Cardinal " Albin '"^
40 marks.
Item, for a fine made to Sir Walter de Beauchamp, the
Steward of the lord the King, for a certain trespass against
him by young men of the City—50 marks.
Item, for an old debt due from the City to Adam de Foleham,
Alderman, for fish bought of him—50 marks.
Item, for an old debt due from the City to " Duratus " the
merchant and his fellows of the Society of the Pulci for promise
{promissione) made to the lady the Queen on the coming
of the lord the King from parts of France-—£24.
Item, for a debt due from the City to Bonejoye the merchant
for the City's affairs—£15.
Item, for a fee of Hugh de Notingham, clerk in the King's
Exchequer, for allowance of 20,000 marks—£20.
Item, for a debt to five citizens by letter under the seal of the
Item, for Walter de Finchingfeud—40J.
Item, for allowance of account—£1,048. |