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Whereas William de " Storthford " was impleaded before
Henry le Galys, the Mayor, by Stephen [de] Stonham for a
certain debt of £18, in which sum a certain Gilbert de Apperfeud
was bound to the said Stephen by form of the New
Statute of Westminster,^ by licence of the Court the parties
aforesaid have come to an agreement in the following terms,
viz., on Wednesday after the Feast of Purification B. M.
[2 Feb.], 27 Edward I. [a.d. 1298-9], came William de
" Storthford," pepperer, and William de Bettoyne before the
Chamberlain and acknowledged themselves severally bound
to Stephen de Stonham in the sum of £18 of such money as
is now current, or will be current at the time of payment, on
behalf of Gilbert de Apperfeud, who had been arrested and
imprisoned in Newgate, under the care of William de " Stortheford"
aforesaid, by form of the New Statute, and afterwards
made his escape. Of which sum the said William de "Stortheforde
" will forthwith pay the said Stephen lOOs. by Peter de
Meldeburne, his attorney, and at Easter next iooj'., and at
Midsummer and at Michaelmas the sum of £4 ; and unless, &c. |