Description (Repository) |
Memorandum that on Friday in Pentecost week, the same
year, came Richer de Refham and Thomas Sely, the Sheriffs,
before Geoffrey de Norton, Adam de Fulham, Thomas de
Romyn, William de Betoyne, William le Mazener, Nicholas
de Farindon, Walter de Fingfeud, William de Lyre, Richard
de Gloucestre, Nicholas Pyckoc, Adam de Hallingbyry, John
Wade, and John de Donestapil, Aldermen, and agreed that if
they during their shrievalty should in future be convicted of
having contemptuously committed a trespass against Sir Henry
le Galeys, while Mayor of London, either by deed or word,
they shall be forthwith bound to pay to the Commonalty of
London the sum of £100, viz., one moiety to be paid in the
Chamber of the Guildhall, to the use of the said Commonalty,
and the other to the Wardens of London Bridge, towards the
fabric of the same.^ |