Description (Repository) |
Monday the Feast of St. Valentine [14 Feb.], 6 Edward I. Fo. 109 b.
[A.D. 1277-8], Gregory de Rokesle, the Mayor; Walter le
Engleys,8 the Sheriff ; William de Durham,9 J[ohn] Horn,10
Philip the Tailor,11 Henry de Coventre,12 Thomas de Basinge,18
Nicholas] de Wynchester," R[obert] de Meldeburn,15 and J[ohn]
de Blakethorn,16 Aldermen, and other reputable men, grant to
Bartholomew le Lokier de Chyngeford a plot of land near
Ludgate. To hold of the Commonalty of London for ever,
paying at Easter to the Commonalty the sum of $s. |