279. Inquisicio per justiciarios a civibus utrum sciant huiusmodi terras et eschaetas in Civitate. Civitas respondit dicens quod Willelmus Martel dum esset in fide domini regis habuit quandam socam in Civitate et postquam a fide domini regis discessit, cepit earn dominus rex in manu sua quam dimisit Willelmo de Wrotham, set nescitur utrum dominus rex ei earn postea donaret vel non. Willelmus vero de Wrotham illam dedit Josceo filio Petri in maritagium cum parente sua quam idem Josceus tenuit per servicium unius ( ? manchee) de scarleto, per annum, reddendo Henrico de Oylly, qui valuit in ultimo itinere justiciariorum 1 s. et modo tenet earn Nicholaus filius Joscei predicti et nescitur quid valet.
Enquiry by the justices of the citizens whether they know of such lands and escheats in the City. The City answers saying that William Martel was in the king's allegiance and had a soke in the City and afterwards he departed from the king's allegiance and the king took it into his hand. And demised it to William of Wrotham but it is not known whether the king afterwards gave it to him or not, but William de Wrotham gave it to Joce fitz Peter as a marriage portion with his kinswoman and Joce held it by the service of a manche [ ? sleeve or mantle) of scarlet yearly rendering the same to Henry de Oylly which at the last eyre of the justices was worth 50s. and now Nicholas son of Joce holds it and it is not known what it is worth.