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Convention, indented, between Henry le Wayles, mayor, on the one hand and Walter Blund (Blumdum), Richard Knotte, Robert le Treyere, Stephen Pikeman and John Baudrey, Thomas Orpedeman and Geoffrey Horn, fishmongers of the said City, on the other hand, wherin the former demises to the latter for the term of their lives the house built for the use of the butchers and fishmongers on the place near Wolchurchehawe, which the king granted by his lettes patent to the mayor and citezens; for an annual rentof £46 13s. 4d to be employed for the maintance and repair of London Bridge; with the further previso that no butchers or fishmongers stalls shall be erected elsewhere than in the said house and place, excepting in Briggestreet, Estchepe, in Eldstrete, and in the west street of the butchers in the parish of St Nicholas. NB a cyrograph. Sealing clause. Note on back of enrolment in Husting Court Monday the morrow of Trintity 11 Ed I (24 May 1283). See also Husting Roll 14 no.76; Letter Book H p.242, E pp.189, 298-9
Gregory de Rokesle; Stephen Asswy; John de Gysores; Philip le Taylur; Ralph de Alegate; Robert de Basinges; Nicholas de Winton'; William de Farrendone; Ralph le Blund; Joce le Acatour; Robert de Meldeturn; John FitzPeter; William le Mazeliner; Wolmar de Essex; Robert de Rokeslee; William de Hadestoke; William de Durene, alderman, and others.
letter bk H 242
L Bk E 189, 298-9
husting roll 14 no 76