grant of land with houses on the east side of a lane and the north sid of the highway in st mary magdalene old fish street parish by alice, prioress and the convent of st john kilburn (keleburne) to richard de plesseto, fishmonger c.1246
seal [of the convent of keleburn?]
robert son of john alderman named as witness (also name as witness /256)
abutments include: [land of adam sermonanarii and st bartholomews' hospital]
hiis testib[ ]. walt[ ]o capellano s[ ]c[ ]i b[ ]n[ ]d[ ]c[ ]i serhoge. ada schoit[ ]. roberto filio joh[ ]is aldermam. w[ ]ll[ ]o de porta. ada sermoc[?]inario. edwardo titore. waltero de plessis. joh[ ]e scheilard hugone fairchild.