Description (Repository) |
734 Grant by William de Havering, tailor, to Stephen de Harewe and Felice his wife of land with houses between the tenement of William de Hadestok in the N., that of Walter de Bredstrate, tawyer, in the S., Bredstrate in the E. and the tenement of John de Elilond, draper, in the W. Rent: one penny silver to Roger atte Strode de Staundon, 405. to SFR, mark silver to Anastachius Bonting. Fine: Lio. Wit. Gregory de Roquesle, mayor of L., Walter Lengley, John Adrian, sheriffs of L., William de Dunolmo, ald., Walter le Waleys, Anketil de Bettevile, Deodonatus Aurifaber, Robert de Bocking, William de Beverle, William de Wouboum, Richard le Barbour, John Clericus. Margin: 6 Edw. I. [1277-8]. (s). 300/5II |