Description (Repository) |
Monday after the Feast of St. Martin [i i Nov.], 1 1 Edward I. Fo- 7
[A.D. 1283], came Henry de Evre and John his son to the Guildhall
in the presence of Sir Ralph de Alegate, clerk, and Martin
Box, Sheriff, and caused a deed to be read whereby the aforesaid
John granted to John de Cant' the moiety of a tenement formerly
belonging- to Roger Foth in the parish of St. Martin [V]
de la Hull, near Billing-estate [tt'r], 1 and measuring 4 ells and I inch of the iron ells of Sir Edward, King of England, in front, 2f ells and half an ell in the rear, and 46^ ells of the like measure in depth; for which grant the said John de Cant' paid 13! marks in hand, these being
witnesses, viz., Henry le Galeys, the Mayor ; Martin Box and
Jordan Gudchep, Sheriffs; Wolmard de Essex, Alderman
of the Ward ; 2 Ralph de Alegate, clerk, William de Cumbe,
Thomas Cros, Hermann the Teutonic, Robert le Treyer, John
de Ippegrave, John de Storteford, Richard de Kinkeston, John
le Noreys, John Stace, Gilbert le Barbur, John de Chesewyk,
Serjeant of the Ward, John de Wodinton, &c. |