Description (Repository) |
farringdon without ward
ewelle, richard de
mayor: t. f. thomas 1267
sheriffs: 1262
Lease from Ralph (the pepperer) Piparius of ondon, son of Hugh to William de Bardewelles chaplain, of a yearly quit rent of 2 1/2 marks from his whole tenement with that land formerly held by Matilda's wife of William Dober in St. Dunstan's parish near the New Temple, london, at a yearly rent of 1/2 lb. of cumin. Witn. Thomas son of Thomas, mayor of London, Robert de Monte pessullano and Osbert de Sufokia, sheriffs, Richarde de Ewelle, alderman (of Faringdon without), mag. Robert Cocus, Ralph Hayrun and others.
Green seal, detached and chipped -- heraldic ? ermine a lion rampart an sinister side a ctaon wair (?) a star immediately benet it S...... Radulfi Filii Hugonis see FitzHugh |