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LBE, 25-26
Tuesday after the Feast of H. Trinity [2 June], 7 Edward II.
[A.D. 1314], came Hugh de Waltham, executor of Nicholas
Picot, late Chamberlain, before Nicholas de Farendone, the
Mayor, John de Wengrave, William de Leire, William Trente,
Henry de Gloucestre, and Simon Corp, Aldermen, sitting in
loquendis, and asked that a certain acquittance under the
Common Seal of the account of the said Nicholas might be
delivered to him ; and inasmuch as William de Bidik, John de
Paris, Matthew de Essex, and other auditors of the account
of the said Nicholas testified that the sum of 19, which the
executors of William de Wolcherchehawe had paid for the
repair of the pavement within Bisshopesgate, had not come into
the hands of the said Nicholas, but had been retained by John
le "Blound," at that time Mayor, it was agreed that the acquittance
should be delivered to the said Hugh on his undertaking
to make himself responsible for the money, in case of default
by the said Nicholas and his executors, and on the understanding
that he should receive the assistance of the Mayor and
Aldermen in prosecuting the heirs and executors of the aforesaid
John le " Blount." |