Description (Repository) |
84 Quitclaim by Reynold le Bacheler, tawyer, son of Hugh Hyberniensis to Walter de Chaure, clerk, of land inherited from his father between the messuage formerly of Warin de St Bartholomeo in the N. and that of Geoffrey Cementarius in the S., ext. from the highroad to the land of St John of Jerusalem at Clerkenwell. Reynold also grants Walter half the wall between the land and the messuage of Geoffrey Cementarius. Rent: 3$. Fine: 40s. and a tunic of bumel. Wit. Ralph Canun, Geoffrey Faber, John Clericus, crossbowman, Nicholas Charles, John de Kingeston, goldsmith, Joyce Tegulator, Thomas de Wylardesbiry, John le Pavur, Nicholas le Clobber, Ellis le Flecher. [c. z50]. Margin: tenement of John Gage.
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