Description (Repository) |
william de bercweya, butcher
182 Grant by Bartholomew Capellanus, m. of ssx, to William de Bercweya (s), butcher, of a house in Smethefeld between the corner of the road to Cubregge in the S., the land and houses of John le Preest le Chaucer in the N., ext. from the said corner in the E. to the land of Rix above the ditch in the W., with a free passage to the camera forinseca. Rent: 14s. Fine:
35. Wit. John Juvenis, capmaker, ald., William le Fort, Roger de Folkestan, Richard del Eyt, Thomas Hod, Bartholomew Monetarius, Reynold Canun, Roger de Clare, Richard Faber, William Trapun, Robert Bukillarius, Richard Bedallus, Alexander. [1257-8]. Margin: as in i8i. 123/421 |