Description (Repository) |
192 Grant by Bartholomew Capellanus, m. of SBH, to John Preest le Chaucer and Maud his wife of land with houses beside Smethefeld between land of the same John and Maud and the houses of William Beaubraz in the N., and the land of John and Maud in the S. corner of Smethefeld, ext. from the highroad in the E. to the land of SBH in the W. Rent: 9s. Wit. Richard de Ewell, aid., William le Fort, Michael de St Edmundo, Roger de Folkestane, Edmund Allutarius, Richard del Heyt, Robert le Cornmongere, Richard de Vemun, Thomas Hod, William Page, Bartholomew Monetarius, Richard Bedallus, Alexander Clericus.
[c.1 26o]. Margin: now of William Flete of the gift of William Arundel 126-7/Ii6o |