Description (Repository) |
indenture (1215-1230) [crap date]
Grant by Serlo mercer and William Aleman, proctors of London bridge, to Robert Le barbur of London, of a plot of ground with the buildings thereon, in the parish of St Magnus atthe head of London bridge towards the E, next the way leading to the quay of Colred on the S. side; fro an annual rent of 14s. Gersuma 16s.
Witnesses:– John Hanin, alderman. Ralph Sperling, Robert de Foleham. Colred. Walter Treiure. Roger Cornwr. Richard de Ho. Stephen de Ho. Richard of Windsor (de Windlesores). Robert the carpenter. Payn Wodemongere. Ralph Treire. Geoffrey Juvene (Iuvenis). Freiure. Christian the clerk. etc.
parch 9 x 6 4/5
large reg f203 no 188
no seal |