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Grant by John, son and her of John Jukel, citizen of London, at the insistance of Thomas Cros and Edmund Horn, wardens of the Bridge house, to Sir Martin the chaplain and the brethern of the aforesaid house for the fabric of the Bridge, of 1/2 mk of quit rent from 4 acres of arable land (terre arabil'),, lying aside Stoneloke next the royal highway whcih leads towards Hachesham, and from 3 acres meadow in the same place. Gersumia 4 mks. Sealing clause.
Henry de Donlee; William Norman; John Russel; Adam Scot; William de Bernewelle; Geoffrey Davy; Walter Lambyn; John de Melleward; Thomas seriant; Geoffrey de Bretungehurst; Robert Manser; John de Hattone; Michael the clerk and others
Large Reg f.611 no.633; Small Reg f.50d no.241
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