Description (Repository) |
william de donstaple and sarah his wife
269 Grant by William de Dounstaple (s) and Sarah his wife to William de Stowe, clerk, of a tenement with houses which Adam de Foston, chandler, former husband of Sarah, received from Beatrice, widow of Robert de Guldeford, armourer, and which is between the tenement of SBH, formerly of Fyne de Hatfeld Peverell, in the E., the tenement of William de Stowe in the W. and which extends from the tenement of William de Stowe in the N. to Hosier Lane in the S. Wit. Henry Darcy, mayor of L., Richard de Lacer, aid., Hugh le Marberer, William Ponntfrett, sheriffs of L., Richard atte Gate, Philip Dikeman, Simon Nichole, Robert Peckevill, John Miles. 22 April 1339. Margin: Enrolled 26 Apr. 1339.
Le maide on the hoop in Hosierlane of the gift of William de Stowe. '52./154 |