Description (Repository) |
331 Quitclaim by James de Spaldyng (s), Ismania (s) his wife and John (s) their son to SBH of their right to a tenement called Irendore with houses in Kockes Lane. Rent: 46s. 8d. to SBH and zos. to the abbot of Leicester. The rent is 6. i s. 6d. in arrears and SBH has the right to re-entry. Wit. William de Arundel, Richard le Hussher, William de Hakeneye, William Prest, John le Hosyer, Thomas le Pavour, Simon in le Feld. 4 May 1324. Margin: scriptum per J. Cok. 170/107
St Sepulchre without Newgate |