Description (Repository) |
To the sheriffs of London. Oontrabreve to buy 65 pairs of shoes
in the city of London, part to be worth 4!d. the pair, part worth
5d., and part worth 6d., and to deliver 50 pairs to th~ q;ieen's
almoner and 15 pairs to the almoner of Edward the king s son,
so that they shall have them at Westminste: on the Monday
before Christmas, to distribute to the poor agamst that feast.
By the queen .
To t he same. Oontrabreve to buy 20 pairs of sh oes, each pair
to be as in the former wi·it (sic), in addition to the above 65 pairs,
and deliver them to the queen's almoner at Westminster by
Christmas Eve for distribution as above.
To t he same. Oontrabreve to pay 40l. out of t he farm of t he
city for Easter term next to Walter de Bradele, keeper of the
queen'~ wardrobe, to meet her expenses. By Philip Luvel.
To the same. Oontrabreve to carry 6 tuns of wine, to be
delivered by John de Gisorc' the king's chamberlain of London,
to Havering without delay to place in the king's cellars there.
Mandate to John to take and deliver the wine. |