Description (Repository) |
Grant by Goditha, daughter of Matthew of the ash (de frascinio) , and relict of Nicholas Chaluner to Simon the Fleming (Flandrensis), of all the land formerly belonging to her father in the parish of St Olave, Suwerk’, between the land belonging to London bridge in the W and the land which belonged to Richard “Rufus” on the E: rendering therefore to her a pound of cummin or 2d. yearly, and to the proctors of London Bridge 40d. ‘Gersuma’. 13 ½ m.
Witnesses:– William the cook. Hervey fitz(filius) Fulcher. Stephen Grass. Fulk de Ebbegate. Walter de Baldac. John Wandegos. John de Becheham. William the vintner. Reginald the baker. Aleseander the baker. Anger the baker. Henry Jukell’. Beuet the woolman. Maurice Arzoner (maker of Saddlebows)
cf large reg. f 232 no 242
small f30 no 99
which differ slightly from the above |