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John le Gaunter and his wife Agnes beat Isabel widow of Geoffrey le Sachier in the ward of Walter le Poter [Cornhill ward]. Isabel escaped from them, but afterwards at nightfall John went to her house and killed her with a knife. He at once returned home, took all his goods and fled with his wife Agnes. He is suspected, so let him be exacted and outlawed." No chattels, but he was harboured in the ward outside frankpledge, so the alderman and the whole ward are in *mercy (pro franco plegio). The mayor and aldermen, asked whether Agnes was an accomplice in the death, say that she was, so let her be exacted and waived.2 All the neighbours come except Robert de Kydemenstre and he is not suspected. He was attached by William le Engleis and Walter de Welles. So they are all in *mercy. Afterwards it is testified that John was in the frankpledge of Humphrey le Tailur and John Cristemes. So they are in *mercy, and nothing from the ward. [cf. 567]
1. & 2. See 238 n. 2. |