Description (Repository) |
755 Grant by Henry son of Stephen to Thomas de Brauncestre of three shops and a house in Westchepe, one shop being next to the gate beyond the store room of Henry in the E., two shops and the house are between the gate and the shops of Reynold de Cantebruggia in the W. Rent: 8d. to Henry, 38s. 8d. to SBH, 325. to John de Wouburne, z marks silver to Henry Walens, z marks to the canons of Blessed Mary de Sutwerk, 8s. to Alan de Bentele. Wit. John Adrian, mayor of L., Henry le Waleys, Gregory de Rokesle, sheriffs of L., Anketin le Mercer, ald., -Reynold de Cantebruggia, Ralph le Blund, Nicholas Conversus, William de Farindon, Thomas Trentemars, Peter de Standon, Hugh de Rokyngham, Walter le Waleys. Margin: 56 Hen. III. [I270-I]. 306-7/1314 |