sale and quitclaim of a tenment with buildings in st martin ludgate parish by geoffrey de stannford, mercer, to peter de neuport, archdeacon of london, 1240
date sheriffs and bat as mayor
endordsed de area adiacente domibus j soudan in parochia sancti martini
hiis testib[ ]. gerardo bat tu[ ]c maiore lond[ ]. rad[ ] aswy . et reyn[ ]er de bungey tunc vicecom[ ] lond[ ]. joceo filio pet[ ] rob[ ]to filio joh[ ]is. symon[ ] filio marie. et mikaele de s[ ]c[ ]a elena alremannis hervico de culyn[ ]. will[ ]o de rothomag[ ] cissore. walt[ ]o plumbar[ ] asslexandro marescallo joh[ ] calit[ ]. thom[ ] salic[ ]. mikael[ ] cl[ ]ico. hamon capll[ ]ar tu[ ]c beddello. nichol[ ] palmar[ ]. joh[ ]e de ely m[ ]cer. gilb[ ]to et rog[ ]o carpntar[ ] will[ ]o bisso[ ]. et multis aliis.