Description (Repository) |
richard de staunfordia, mercer ; agnes his wife ; william de Kelleshulle
823 Grant by John de Waleton, warden and m. of SBH, to Richard de Staunfordia (s), mercer, and Agnes (s) his wife and to William de Kelleshulle (s) of a shop in Westchepe in the merce ria between the shop of Robert de Arraz in the E. and the shop of Jordan Godchep in the W. ext. from Westchep in the N. to the tenement of Henry le Waleis which he received from Henry de Walemont, in the S. Rent: 44s. to s-BH, 5 marks to William de Dunolmia, 16s. to the hosp. of St James, one mark to the convent of St Mary of Suthwerk; one mark to the nuns of Haliwelle. Wit. Gregory de Roquesle, mayor of L., ald., Thomas Box, Ralph de Mora, sheriffs of L., William de Durerne, Henry le Waleys, Robert de Arraz, Jordan Godchep, Thomas de Estanes, Richard de Essewy, William de Wincestre, Henry le Wimpler, Roger le Barber, Richard Anketin. Dorso: annulled by Laurence de Crandon. [1279-80]. 329/1166 |