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142. Honorius le Rumungur occidit Rogerum de Vilers quodam cnipulo et fugit ad ecclesiam Sancti Bartholomei et ibi cognovit mortem illam et abiuravit regnum. Nulla habuit catalla et fuit in franco plegio in warda Jocei filii Ideo francus plegius in misericordia.2 Nullus alius male creditur de predicta morte. Vicini attachiati pro morte illa veniunt et non malecreduntur. Ideo inde quieti.
1. Beaven, i, 367 suggests Ludgate and Newgate (i.e. the modern Farringdon) for an earlier period; no definite date can be set for his tenure of office.
2. Margin: Nota de franco plegio amerciato, as in Liber Albus, i, 74 and 99.
Honorius le Rumungur killed Roger de Vilers with a knife, and fled to the church of St. Bartholomew, where he acknowledged the death and abjured the realm. He had no chattels and was in frankpledge in the ward of Joce fitz Peter. Therefore the frankpledge is in mercy. No one else is suspected of the death. The neighbours attached for the death come and are not suspected. Therefore they are quit. |