Description (Repository) |
1174 Agreement arranged in 1241 in the chapter of St Paul's before G. Lucy, dean of St Paul's, between m. Roger de Horset, precenter of St Pauls, and SBH concerning land called Alfrichebury. This land belongs to the prebend of Portepole but m. Roger quitclaims his right to SBH. SBH will pay 2 marks silver rent to m. Roger. Wit. Peter, archdeacon of L., Henry Cancellarius, Alexander Thesaurarius, William de St Marie Ecclesia, m. Richard de Standforda canons of St Paul's, Rayner de Boungey, mayor of L., Gerard Bat, Ralph Easwy, John de Gisors, John de Codres, sheriffs of Middlesex, Henry son of William. 4751— |