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(1222-7 or 1238-9)
Grant by Adam, son of Henry de St Helen's (elena?), to Roger le Duc' of a plot of ground (placea) with houses and buildings, which he held of London bridge, at the s. head, towards suwerk, next the holding (tenura) of HENry Gos and with a frontage upon the bridge of 8 1/4 ells; rendering therefore annually 1/2lb cumin or 1d as quitrent, and 5s to London Bridge. Gersumia 16mks.
Richard Renger, mayor; Joce Fitz(filius) Peter; Henry Fitz (filius) William; Stephen Crasso (crasus); Gilbert Fitz(filius) Fulcon'; John de Solio; Thomas Lambert; John Wederkog; William Coco; Walter Bruning; Henry the Marshal (Marescall); Anger the baker (pistore); Serlo the mercer
Large Reg f.234 no.245; Small Reg f.33d no.125
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