Description (Repository) |
346 Grant by John, m. of SBH, to Henry de la Grene, butcher, and Sarah his wife of a tenement between the tenement of William de Berquey, butcher, and that of William le Soteler and ext. from the highroad to the tenement of Alexander Russell. Rent: 4s. to SBH and 6s. to the hosp. of St James. Fine: 4 marks silver. Wit. Gregory de Rokesle, mayor of L., John Home, Ralph le Blund, sheriffs ,of L., Anketin de — Auveme, ald., William le Coteler, Alexander le Rus, William Hussebond, Joyce ad Fontem, Richard Michet, William de Berquey, Richard Vineterius, serjeant of the ward. [1275-6]. 173-4/— |