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Grant by Simon, son of Robert Blund, to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of a yearly rent of 14s.8d. issuing fromt he land that Simon de Kokam held of him in the parish of St. Martin of Baremannescherche, "apud coquinas vinetrie Lond," to be expended as herein appointed. Witnessses:- Henry archbishop of Dublin, Serlo, Mayor of London, Joce son of William, Richard Renger, sheriffs, and others (named). (Middx.)
Covering dates (5 Henry III.)
Note See: Cart Holy Trinity Aldgate, no. 449
[[[[hta 449. [1220-1] Grant by Simon son of Robert Blund to the church of Holy Trinity of 14s. 8d. of quit rent from land which Simon de Kokham held of the grantor in the parish of St. Martin of Beremaneschirch at the kitchens of the Vintry ; to hold in free alms; 1 mark to be spent on pittances on the anniversary of Robert, the grantor's father and 16d. in wax for the lights (ad luminare in cereis) and the residue of the wax to be collected (et quod residuum fuerit de cereis in crastino dicti aniversarii ante altare domine super candelabrum collocetur percipiendum); sealed; witnesses, Henry' archbishop of Dublin, Serlo the mayor, Joce son of William, Richard Renger [sheriffs].]]]]]
Henry de Loundres, archbishop of Dublin, 1213-28.
C.A.D., i, A 1647. |