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106. Eodem anno Johanne Gisors existente camerario et predictis vicecomitibus existentibus, accidit die Lune proxima post festum Omnium Sanctorum quod quidam homo Robertus le Portour nomine sicut portavit carbonem de quadam navi, cecidit in Tamisiam et submersus fuit. Nullus inde male creditur. Iudicium infortunium. Et navis que fuit arestata, deliberata fuit per preceptum domini regis per quoddam-breve vicecomitibus directum in quo continebatur quod deliberari faciant cum predictis marinellis quam ad instantiam dilecti et fidelis sui Roberti advocati Botumine concessit deliberandam. Ideo nichil.
In the same year, John Gisors being chamberlain and the same being sheriffs, on Monday after the feast of All Saints [3 Nov. 1236], a man named Robert le Portour fell into the Thames as he was carrying coal from a ship and was drowned. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. The ship, which was arrested, was handed on by the king's order, contained in a writ to the sheriffs directing them to cause it to be delivered, with the crew, in accordance with the grant made at the instance of his beloved and faithful Robert, advocate of Béthune. Therefore nothing. |