213. [1269-70] Grant by Thomas de Oxford (Oxon), bureller (burelarius), and Alice his wife to Master John Rosamund of 20s. p.a. of quit rent from rents which they had in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower opposite the church in a lane which goes by the Tower; rent to the grantors and their heirs lb. of cumin or three grains of pepper; the grantor and his heirs free to distrain (namiare seu distringere) and may distrain on the grantees' land in the parish of St. Mary Bothaw which is between the land of John le Minor on the west and land formerly of Robert de Wrotham on the east and extends from the king's road in Candelwykstrate to the land of Michael To(v)i; John gave 15 marks of silver; sealed; witnesses, Hugh son of Hocton (fitz Hoctonis) then constable of the Tower, Robert de Cornhill, Thomas de Basing, sheriffs; Master John Rosamund gave this quit rent of 20s. to the church of Holy Trinity as appears by Charter Seven1 of several parishes.
1. See 1008.