Description (Repository) |
378. [1277] Grant by Henry de Fornham, clerk, to Reginald de Subiria, a friend, of all that tenement with houses once of John de Bedford, vicar of the church of Westham ?, London diocese, which the grantor bought of the said John; the tenement is situated in the parish of St. Edmund near Greschirch; abutments, the tenement of Ralph de Cestre on the west and the tenement of Ydonia widow of Geoffrey de Trye on the east extending in length from the king's highway on the south side to the tenement of the said Idonea on the north; to hold in fee in perpetuity; rent one rose on 24 June and to the chief lords of the fee the services due, to the nuns of Halliwell 12s. to the canons of Holy Trinity mark and to the chaplains of the parish churches of London 3s. 4d. for pittances and to Idonea daughter of the late Roger de Scadeburgh, citizen of London, one clove-gillyflower at Easter; gersuma 30 marks; sealed; witnesses, Gregory Rokesle, mayor, John Adrian, Walter le Engleis [sic], sheriffs, Nicholas de Wynton, alderman of the ward. |