Description (Repository) |
785. [f. 137] [1264-5] Grant by John prior and convent of St. Bartholomew to Peter le Hoder, skinner (feliparius) of all the land in 'la More' opposite London Wall between the land that was of Richard le Lunge, gate-keeper, (janitor) on the west and the land that was of Geoffrey le Vyleyn on the east extending in length from the street towards the north to the ditch (fossatum) of Walbrok towards the south, which land was of Alice widow of Roger le Fraunceis and which Holy Trinity has, in free alms, by the gift of Alice; to hold to the grantee, his heirs and assigns, except religious and Jews; rent 3s. p.a. to the warden of the refectory of St. Bartholomew, to the heirs of Walter le Fust(er) Id. at Easter and to Holy Trinity 8d. plus 144.; the warden of the refectory is to be allowed to enter and take naam; gersuma 40s.; chirograph sealed; witnesses, Thomas son of Thomas, mayor, Edward Blund, Peter Aunger, sheriffs, Peter, alderman of this ward.1
Broad Street Ward.". ,1 , ! |