Description (Repository) |
A. 7302. Grant by Geoffrey de Frowyc, to Richard the prior, and the
canons, of Holy Trinity, London, in frank almoin, for the welfare of
his soul, and the souls of his ancestors, of 2(W. quit rent out of the rent of
8s. id. which the prior and canons of St. Mary's, Suwerk, paid him yearly
for a seld in Chepe (foro), which rent of 2O7. he bought of John son of
Terry (Teirici). Witnesses : William Fokes, William de Berkinges,
William, parson of the church of St. Mary Magdalen, and others (named).
indorsed :' Non scriptum quia in testamento suo legavit nobis totum
videlicet octo solidos et iiij or denarios ' .... ' De zelda vocata le gotte.'
[[[[hta 539. [1222-48] Grant by Geoffrey Frowyk (de Frowyk) to Richard prior and convent of 20d. p.a. out of 8s. 4d. p.a. which the canons of St. Mary Suthwerk were accustomed to pay the grantor from a seld which they hold of him in the market, which 204. p.a. of rent Geoffrey bought of John son of Terricus; to hold in free alms; sealed; witnesses, Robert son of John, William Fokes, William Berkyng and others. ]]]]
C.A.D., iv, A 7302. |