Description (Repository) |
Monday in the octave of H. Trinity [4 June], 12 Edward I. Fo. 72 1>.
[A.D. 1284], was read a writing whereby Thomas Fitz Thomas
demised to Duracius Huberti, Ralph Scolarii, Ubert Doyr, Ralph
Bonagunde, and Brachius Gerardi, merchants of Florence, of
the Society of Pulci (Pullicuni) and Dembertini, a capital
mansion with garden, &c., near St. Clement's Lane, in the
parish of St. Edmund, King and Martyr, containing in length
8 ells of the iron ells of Sir Edward, the King of England, and
in depth 4j ells. To hold for a term of five years from
Michaelmas at an annual rent of 7 marks. In the event of the
merchants being prevented from occupying the premises by war
or other reason, a proportion of rent paid is to be returned.
Witnesses, Henry le Waleys, Mayor; Jordan Gudchep and
Martin Box, Sheriffs; Nicholas de Wynchester, Alderman of
the Ward;* Philip "Assee" (?), William de Kelwedon, Gilbert
le Marescal, John le Poter, Henry le Bole, Gregory de Rokesle,
and others [not named], |