1011. [c. 1215] Grant by Alan son of Peter to the canons of Holy Trinity of 26s. 4d. p.a. of quit rent; namely 13s. 4d. which William Becham paid the grantor from lands formerly of Jordan Sperleng in the parish of St. Margaret versus Pontem next the cemetery of the church on the south; 5s. rent which Roger the Fishmonger paid the grantor from his messuage (managium) in the parish of St. Clement which belonged to Paul the parson of the church; 8s. rent which Benet son of Turkill paid the grantor from a certain stall in the Shambles (macellum) of Estchep between the stall formerly of Richard Blandekete and the stall of Robert Asse; rent to the grantor and his heirs 4d. p.a. within the octave of Easter; gersuma 20 marks of silver; [f. 188] witnesses, William Hardell, mayor, John Bucci(u)nte, Thomas de Haverhill.
Margin: Carta xa.