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183. On the eve of the feast of St. Mary Magdalene [21 July 1267] John son of Roger de Aungre killed Walter le Moyne in the ward of Thomas de Basyngges [Candlewick ward]. He at once fled and took sanctuary in the church of St. Lawrence Candelwykstrete, whence he later escaped. He is suspected, so let him be exacted and outlawed according to the custom of the City. No chattels but he had a rent of one clove from a house which Roger le Jovene held of him in fee, year and waste worth nothing. The sheriff is ordered to take the rent into the king's hand. Stephen Boniur, a neighbour, does not come and is not suspected. He was attached by Simon de Norhamton and William le Callere. So they are all in *mercy. It is testified that Roger de Aungre and William son of Richard were arrested on suspicion of the death and imprisoned at Newgate; afterwards because they were of the liberty of the City they were released publicly according to the custom of the City. Roger was released to William Rime, Roger de Mareworth, Fulk de St. Edmunds, John le Jovene, Henry le Dubur, Nicholas Crispus `hoder', William to Ayman [sic], William de Bakynge, John le Fraunceys, Nicholas de Hallyngbur', John Deneman, Reginald de Walden, James de Halstede, Thomas de Thorroke, William de Uggle, Nicholas Crispus, Roger Junior, Thomas de Torrock, Nicholas de Hallyngbury, Reginald de Walden, William de Bakynge and Peter le Hoder, William to William Hayman, William de Bakyngg, John le Fraunceys, Nicholas de Hallyngbur', John Deneman, Reginald de Waldene, James de Halstede, Thomas de Thurrek. William Ogele, Nicholas Crispes [sic], Roger and Robert le Jovene ;-1- to have them here on the first day and did not have them. So they are all in *mercy, Roger and William come and, asked how they wish to clear themselves of the suspicion [blank. Cf. 642]
Nota 66. De hominibus indictatis de morte hominis et replegiatis [cf. 524 no. 661.
1. The list of pledges is garbled. Roger has only 6; William is released twice, first to 15 and then to 12 pledges. |